Monday, January 9, 2012

Loans and Other Spendings

Towards the end of last week I made two more payments on my student loans from college. A few days later I made another large transaction on a ticket to see my boyfriend in Phoenix in a few months. As I was looking at my history of past transactions, I was amazed at how much I had spent over the past few weeks. Working at a grocery store is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because it means I have a source of income, which can be used to pay for the things that I want or more importantly, need. It's a curse because I'm often sent to the store to pick things up for the family. Usually I have my parent's credit card with me, but from time to time they will text me at the end of my shift, asking me to pick things up. I'm usually reimbursed if it comes from my account, but when I'm buying for myself, it's smaller items-a dollar here, four dollars there. I want to move out as soon as I can, but without a driver's license and a full time job, I just don't see how that is possible at this time. Travel expenses to get to my new location, rent, utilities, basic living expenses (food, clothing...) and loan payments! It's so expensive. When I do eventually learn how to drive, I will have monthly car payments as well (though I want to avoid having a car if at all possible). This blog is more of a way for me to put my feelings out there more than anything else, but if someone happens to be reading this and has any advice as far as money goes, I would greatly appreciate it!

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