Saturday, June 23, 2012

Appreciate the small things

I have to apologize for not writing any earlier than this, but I'm sure you know how busy life can get sometimes. I'm currently finishing up a two and a half week project in Cedar Rapids Iowa. It was definitely nice being back on campus after six weeks with my team. Summer break is rapidly approaching, and an experience tonight showed me just how wonderful my small town home away from home really is. Today I volunteered at, and enjoyed the festivities at Party in the Park, an event that started Thursday and concluded this evening. I spent the morning handing out water to runners at the 5k, and, along with the other two people with me, were thanked constantly for coming out and helping. One lady even stopped briefly to talk about AmeriCorps with us. In the afternoon I came back to assist with several games of Bingo at the local park, which ended up being a lot of fun. As soon as I was finished I changed and settled into the grass after trying out the climbing wall. I sat in the sun, reading and enjoying walking tacos (my first time having one!). As people began to arrive for the big events of the evening, I saw a community coming together to enjoy the entertainment and the people. They were there to have fun and recognize the local heroes in Vinton, an appropriate theme considering the huge windstorm that hit Vinton last year. All around me people munched on funnel cake and burgers, and sipped sodas and tea. During the opening group, children threw streamers in the air and chased after over sized beach balls while sleepy babies slept in the arms of their parents. People were spread out on blankets or chairs, cheering and enjoying the company of others. We were reminded to "Take it Easy" and gave tribute to the men and women who have helped keep out country safe. It was such a peaceful and memorable evening. Ever since I arrived I was struck by how nice everyone is here, especially to the AmeriCorps NCCC crowd. I have found a wonderful church community and have had the chance to share my experiences with different people. I get to enjoy delicious ice cream and three dollar movies (yes, be jealous). I have ridden my bike to the local pool and spent the afternoon relaxing in the sun with a book in hand. While we don't spend very much time in Vinton, especially when we are on project rounds, this experience has been very special. Even though being in this program isn't always smooth sailing, I am starting to appreciate more and more the various experiences that I have been having. This is a town where you can walk into a restaurant a week after being there the first time and having the waitress recognize you. This is a town where people come together to enjoy music, fireworks, and entertainment. This, at least until November, is my home, and I'm going to try my best to make the very most of it.