Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I've been up to

As you have probably figured out by now, my original plan to write every day hasn't exactly worked out. I was shocked when I came to write a new entry and saw that I haven't posted since February. When I left off I had just moved to Vinton, IA, my home base for the next ten months, as a member of AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps). I spent a month in training-tools, first aid/CPR/AED, shelter operations,cooking( learned how to make pizza!), getting to know new people, and learning more about what my new life would entail. We did a three day project at a local elementary school, where I got to assist a teacher in a third grade classroom, grading papers, copying, and assisting students with their spelling and writing. I found a church to attend (not CS but it was still nice to have a place to pray every week), and discovered a very nice opportunity.

After that month my group moved to Urbana, IL, where we have been doing canvassing work-going door to door distributing information about some weatherization programs that the county opens. During this project I have increased my public speaking skills and definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone. When we weren't working, we spent time volunteering at local organizations such as the University YMCA, a Habitat for Humanity ReStore, track meets, and SHARE-the Society for hooved animal rescue and emergency. I contacted various organizations about being potential project sponsors, attempted to improve my limited cooking ability, found a CS church to attend, and explored the community. For the past few days we have been pulling garlic mustard, an invasive species, at different forest preserves in the area.

Tonight we found out our second round project and I can't wait! We will be doing two projects, which is an added bonus, spending six weeks doing invasive species removal and other outdoor projects in Wisconsin, and then spending two weeks working at a science center in Iowa, which means that we will get to stay at our central location. I am very excited to travel to a new state. I will not have daily access to cell phone reception or internet, so my entries and communications with the outside world will be limited, but in a way I am glad. It will allow me to get to know my team mates better, spend more time reading instead of being on the computer all of the time, and get in touch with nature. I will write once more (or at least promise to try) before I head out, but hopefully this sums up some of what I have been doing.